
Transform Your Voice with Revolutionary Descript Overdub

Descript Overdub Tutorial

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Have you ever wondered if you could create an entire podcast without recording yourself? With Descript’s powerful Overdub feature, the answer is yes!

We will explain how Overdub can clone your voice using text and an audio sample. You can turn yourself into an AI narrator for all your video content needs.

We’ll go through the step-by-step process of training Overdub on your voice so it can generate amazingly natural speech. We’ll also share some pro tips for getting the highest quality vocal results within Descript.

Whether you want to create podcasts, turn articles into video, or expand your content across every medium – Overdub makes it happen seamlessly. 

You don’t need any recording or technical skills.

At the end of this article, you’ll have actionable insights on repurposing written content with your AI voice clone. The possibilities are endless when you unlock the ability to produce content at scale without ever saying a word. 

Let’s dive in and explore the magic of Descript’s Overdub.

Cloning Your Voice with Descript’s Overdub Feature

Cloning Voice Descript

Overdub is a groundbreaking text-to-speech feature from the startup Descript that turns any text into an audio file using your voice. 

Instead of relying on robotic-sounding computer stock voices, you can train multiple voices in Overdub to replicate your unique voice, inflections, and speaking style.

It opens up possibilities for content creators, entrepreneurs, and businesses. You can turn written scripts, blog posts, and documents into podcasts, explainer videos, training materials, and more, all voiced by you, without recording yourself. It’s like having a virtual version of yourself that can work 24/7!

The applications are endless – narrate eLearning courses, generate personalized sales and marketing videos, automate voiceovers, and much more. 

Overdub lets you create, repurpose and expand your content like never before.

Training Your Voice with Descript

Training Voice Descript

Overdub needs at least 10 minutes of audio recordings to clone your voice accurately. Descript recommends recording and providing 30+ minutes of clear audio to replicate your unique voiceprint.

Some tips for training Overdub effectively:

  • Speak conversationally, don’t just read a script robotically. Imagine you’re casually explaining something to a friend.

  • Record in a quiet environment without background noise. Use a high-quality microphone for crisp, clear sound.

  • Try to cover a wide range of content, vocabulary, tone, and cadence in your training audio.

Once you submit your training recordings, it takes Descript’s AI 24-48 hours to fully process the speech data and create your custom voice model.

Uploading and Processing Your Voice

Uploading Processing Voice

Getting started with Overdub voice cloning is straightforward:

  • Open your Descript account and go to Voices > Create New Voice. You can either: Upload existing audio files (.mp3, .wav, etc) from your computer.

  • Record directly into Descript through your microphone. Descript provides a sample script you can read aloud if you don’t have existing audio available.

  • After uploading your files, Descript’s AI will process and analyze your voice data. You’ll receive an email notification when your custom voice model is finished training and ready to use!

Overcoming Robotic Sound with Descript Pro

Robotic Sound Descript Pro

With Descript’s basic Creator plan, your cloned voice may sound robotic and unnatural. The reason is that the Creator plan only supports a limited 1,000-word speech vocabulary.

Upgrading to the Pro plan for $30/month gives you unlimited vocabulary support. 

A wide vocabulary boost can make a huge difference in removing the robotic sound and making your virtual voice assistant sound completely human.

Unlimited vocabulary combined with Descript’s advanced voice cloning technology enables incredibly realistic results – most listeners can’t tell the difference from human recording!

Overdub’s Pricing and Recommendations

Overdub is available on all Descript plans, including the free plan. However, the capabilities are limited to lower tiers:

  • Free plan: 500 word vocabulary, 2 Overdub minutes/month

  • Creator plan: 1,000 word vocabulary, 10 Overdub minutes/month

  • Pro plan: Unlimited vocabulary, unlimited Overdub conversion

Those interested in voice cloning and content creation should check Overdub’s Descript Pro plan at $30/month. Pro unlocks unlimited vocabulary for natural speech, unlimited Overdub conversions, and removes watermarks.

Overdub voice cloning enables game-changing applications, making Descript Pro a very affordable solution. 

When you repurpose content at scale, the Pro plan will pay for itself many times over.

Expanding Content Repurposing Opportunities

Once you’ve created your custom voice model, the possibilities are endless for repurposing content. 

Turn blog posts into YouTube videos and podcasts. Create personalized video messages, tutorials, and courses. The only limit is your imagination.

You don’t need any technical or video editing skills. 

Services like Vidpros offer you access to affordable video editing to turn your Overdubbed audio into polished videos. Our team of expert video editors can add stock footage, animations, graphics, and more to your videos to bring your virtual assistant to life on screen.

Overdub integrates directly with creative apps like Descript, Headliner, and Recast to streamline your workflow. 

With the right tools, you can efficiently repurpose video content into different formats and grow your audience on multiple platforms.


Descript’s Overdub feature is an incredible technology that lets you clone your voice with AI. 

For only $30/month with Descript Pro, you can create a hyper-productive virtual assistant to repurpose content at scale.

If you need help turning your Overdubbed audio into professional videos, consider booking a call with Vidpros to discuss your particular needs. 

Our fractional video editing services empower entrepreneurs and content creators to create videos that attract, engage, and convert viewers.

What tasks could you automate and scale by cloning your voice with AI? With creative thinking and strategic support, the possibilities are truly endless!

Picture of Mylene Dela Cena

Mylene Dela Cena

Mylene is a versatile freelance content writer specializing in Video Editing, SaaS, and Marketing brands.
When she's not busy writing for clients, you can find her on LinkedIn, where she shares industry insights and connects with other professionals.

About the Author

Mylene Dela Cena

Mylene is a versatile freelance content writer specializing in Video Editing, B2B SaaS, and Marketing brands. When she's not busy writing for clients, you can find her on LinkedIn, where she shares industry insights and connects with other professionals.

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