
What Are the Benefits of White Label Video Editing?


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As a video-editing professional, there will be times when you have more on your plate than you can handle–this is when you need to leverage the white label video editing services of a reputable platform like Vidpros. We can lighten your workload so you can continue to provide your customers with the level of excellence they’ve come to expect.

If you’ve never worked with white-label video content, you might not be familiar with the many benefits it offers. Let’s dive in!

White Label Editing in a Nutshell

White-label editing in a nutshell

Think of Vidpros, a premier provider of video editing on demand, as an extension of your business that can be scaled up or scaled down, depending on the volume of your incoming business. 

When you take advantage of our white-label video editing services, your clients submit their work orders and footage through a portal specifically designed with the logo and branding of your business. From there, our team of curated offshore video experts produces the desired content within designated timeframes to keep your customers happy.

White Label Video Services Can Boost Your Business

White Label Video Services Can Boost Your Business

A white-label video editing subscription service allows you to concentrate on client relations, new business, and large creative projects with greater profit margins–while Vidpros takes on other complex or tedious technical work via its cost-effective, streamlined third-party process.

Don’t Turn Away Business When You’re Busy

Rather than turning away smaller projects due to limited resources, increase your production and breadth of services by outsourcing work and steering clients to your intuitive and easy-to-use Vidpros portal. 

Because the site has your (not our) information, your clients will enjoy a smooth video editing experience without being confused by conflicting branding. Meeting customer video requests when you’re stretched thin with an outside service like VidPros that operates as an extension of your business will keep your customers satisfied and coming back for more.

Easily Meet Tight Deadlines

Easily Meet Tight Deadlines

Let’s face it: time is money. In today’s fast-paced business environment, your clients want results, and they want them fast. White-label editing services streamline the video-editing process so you can easily meet time-sensitive demands.

Boost Your Bottom Line

Boost Your Bottom Line

Because Vidpros charges a flat monthly rate for its white-label service, regardless of the time a project requires, your costs are fixed. This is far easier to manage than an ever-changing pool of freelancers (who may or may not be available when you most need them) and their varying rates.

You also charge the client whatever rate you decide is reasonable. The markup on white-label content ranges from 30% to more than 300%. In essence, Vidpros’ service brings hassle-free income you might have turned away before but can now add to your revenue stream.

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

The rebranding of content created by a third-party provider is essential to the success of any white-label video editing arrangement. 

Editing agencies and video professionals want to present video to their customers that looks and feels like it was produced in-house. Having a consistent image on your Vidpros portal helps maintain the hard-earned trust you’ve built with your clients.

Better Manage Overhead

Better Manage Overhead

Video production and editing can be complicated and time-consuming. As such, setting up a video-editing operation requires considerable investment, which is often more than small or medium businesses can absorb. 

Rather than letting this be a hurdle that keeps you from growing, white-label editing provides a scalable solution that allows video professionals and agencies to provide high-quality video content for all customer requests.

Expand Your Offerings

Expand Your Offerings

When you explore what a video editing agency does, you will understand that by collaborating with Vidpros, you can expand your offerings with top-tier video content without the potential financial drain incurred when investing in additional equipment and software and hiring videographers, editors, and scriptwriters.

Wrapping Up

Think of Vidpros’ white-label video editing service as a transformative, strategic partnership that allows you to offer a broader range of quality video content at a speed and volume that might not be attainable without it.

Book a call with us today to learn more about our fractional video editing services and how we can support you in growing your business!



About the Author


Michael Holmes is the founder and CEO of Vidpros, a trailblazer in video marketing solutions. Outside the office, Michael nurtures a growing community of professionals and shares his industry insights on the blog.

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