
Embrace The Future With Prompts Used by Top Creators

Prompts used by Top Creators

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We’ve explored prompting for ChatGPT scriptwriting and YouTube thumbnails. This article dives into how top creators generate ideas, craft compelling writing, and design captivating visuals using prompts.

Learn from industry leaders and discover their prompting secrets, best practices, and tips to lift your content creation game with awesome ChatGPT prompts.

Prompts act as blueprints guiding AI tools to build great content. Clear hints lead to quality outputs, while vague ones yield poor results – like a flawed blueprint producing an unsatisfactory building.

Creators must analyze the AI’s work and iteratively refine prompts, just as architects modify plans based on feedback. Effective ChatGPT prompts are essential for achieving exceptional results, and understanding their core components can significantly enhance your interactions with the AI.

Learning from successful creators is invaluable for developing strong prompting skills. They are the master architects who have honed this craft over years of experience. By studying their techniques and examples, you can avoid mistakes and build a solid prompting foundation.

I took a research-driven approach for this article, diving deep into the cues and strategies shared by top content creators on LinkedIn.

Many openly share their prompts for AI tools across various niches. By gathering and analyzing their insights, I curated a compilation of proven prompting strategies from industry leaders. It allows me to provide you with actionable techniques to raise your content development, which I learned directly from the masters of prompting.

Understanding prompts and their role in Prompt Engineering

Prompts guide AI models like ChatGPT, which utilize natural language processing to understand and respond to human language, to generate specific types of content based on the desired format, tone, and direction.

It helps create scripts, stories, and visual guidance for videos. They also help with focus, SEO, tone, and engagement in written content. You can create ChatGPT prompts to write specific instructions or cues to elicit responses from ChatGPT, improving accuracy and efficiency in content production. It provides creative direction, brand alignment, and interactive elements for visuals.

Using prompts effectively sparks creativity, improves writing skills, enhances audience engagement, boosts productivity and efficiency, and maintains brand consistency across content.

Top Content Creators with their not-so-secret ChatGPT prompts

Ruben Hassid
Photo Source: YouTube

Ruben Hassid

Ruben Hassid, founder of EasyGen, is a pioneering creator renowned for using ChatGPT to generate engaging content. Through his Chrome extension EasyGen, Hassid empowers users to effortlessly create high-quality LinkedIn posts, reach broader audiences, and maintain brand consistency.

In one of his YouTube videos, Hassid demonstrated how to sway AI prompts to repurpose popular TED Talks into engaging, viral-worthy TikTok clips tailored for that platform’s unique format and audience.

He also shared how ChatGPT can generate content marketing ideas for a tech startup, including blog post ideas, social media post captions, and email newsletter concepts.

He shared specific words for filtering YouTube videos with Creative Commons licenses based on view count, generating short compelling clips optimized for TikTok’s algorithm, and crafting attention-grabbing captions using prompts like:

“Create a captivating caption for a TikTok video titled ‘[insert video title]’ to grab viewers’ attention and make them want to watch. Keep it under 150 characters and use relevant hashtags.”

Hassid also guided viewers using ChatGPT prompts to ideate channel names and generate AI-driven logos and branding assets.

By generously sharing his prompting strategies and process, Hassid showcased how to harness AI’s power for content repurposing, platform optimization, and heightened engagement across TikTok and YouTube. His methods also provide inspiration for developing a writing routine, including crafting a short story based on creative cues.

To gain more invaluable prompting insights from this AI content generation maestro, follow Ruben Hassid on LinkedIn and YouTube. He continues sharing innovative ways to manipulate ChatGPT for more compelling, high-performing content.

While Hassid showcases prompting power across platforms like LinkedIn and TikTok, Ana York takes a more specialized SEO and content strategy approach.

Ana York SEO
Photo Source: LinkedIn

Ana York 

Ana York is a seasoned SEO expert and content strategist who pulls AI to boost businesses’ online visibility and engagement. She generously shares practical tips on using AI for SEO and content production through her insightful LinkedIn posts.

In one of her LI post, York showcased how she harnesses ChatGPT as a mini keyword research powerhouse. She shared prompts that guide the AI to conduct in-depth competitor research, analyze top-ranking pages, identify critical factors, and gather invaluable data to inform a business’s content strategy.

She also specifies how many words, characters, and sentences are desired in the output to ensure the response stays within defined boundaries.

One such prompt instructed:

“Search for the keyword on Bing, find a page that isn’t a category or collection page, and try to understand its ranking. Always translate the keyword into the language. Use this to research the SERP and the results. I will compete with these with an article. Just do the first 5 SERP results. You must search at least five websites.”

After collecting this comprehensive competitor intelligence, York signals ChatGPT to “Start with an Outline. Now that you have everything you need, you can write an SEO-optimized blog article.” It generates a well-researched, keyword-optimized content outline tailored to the specified topic.

York’s AI-driven approach enables businesses to automate time-consuming tasks, improve search rankings through better-optimized content, boost audience engagement and conversions, and efficiently scale content production.

Her expertise in prompt engineering allows her to craft inputs that optimize generative AI outputs, making it a crucial skill for writing effective prompts for ChatGPT and other language models.

To gain more invaluable AI prompting strategies for SEO and content production from this proven expert, follow Ana York on LinkedIn, where she continues sharing innovative ways to influence AI for online marketing success.

Just as York optimizes for search visibility, Jeff Su demonstrates how to pull AI prompts to skyrocket workplace productivity.

Jeff Su
Photo Source: YouTube

Jeff Su

Jeff Su is a prompting guru and content creator who has mastered using AI tools like ChatGPT to supercharge productivity and career development. Su shares practical tips and formulas for crafting effective prompts that unlock AI’s full potential through his engaging YouTube channel and blog.

Incorporating these strategies into everyday life can seamlessly integrate AI into regular daily activities, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

In one standout video (“Top 8 ChatGPT Productivity Tips for Work”), Su unveiled powerful “productivity prompts” that enable professionals to automate and streamline critical workplace tasks using ChatGPT. He demonstrated prompts like:

“Write a self-evaluation for my performance this quarter, highlighting key achievements and areas for improvement.”

“Create a comprehensive onboarding plan for a new team member joining the marketing department.”

“Analyze the feedback from our latest customer survey and summarize the main takeaways in a bulleted list.”

ChatGPT can handle routine assignments quickly and effectively by providing clear, targeted instructions, saving professionals valuable time and energy.

In addition to productivity boosts, Su’s “balanced prompt formula” from his “Master the Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula” video guides users in crafting specific prompts to generate relevant outputs, yet flexible enough to avoid constraining the AI’s potential.

Su’s approach has helped countless professionals optimize their prompting skills for maximum effectiveness, boost workplace productivity through AI task automation, avoid common prompting pitfalls, and embrace continuous learning as the AI era evolves.

By learning how to prompt ChatGPT effectively, users can generate keywords, text, or content that significantly enhances their work.

To gain a comprehensive prompting education from this true master, follow Jeff Su on YouTube and implement his methods to unlock game-changing productivity enhancements and accelerate your career advancement.

With inspirational examples from Hassid, York, and Su illuminating the path, we can explore overarching best practices for crafting effective prompts.

Best practices and tips to write ChatGPT prompts

With the case studies showcasing how top creators influenced prompting to power their content development, we can now explore the best practices and tips for crafting effective prompts.

Learning these principles will unlock AI’s full potential for generating high-quality, engaging content across various channels and mediums to increase brand awareness.

To shape the conversation and get the best responses from ChatGPT, it is essential to learn how to write prompts effectively. Understanding prompt engineering can significantly impact the effectiveness of ChatGPT’s replies.

The fundamental principles cover:

Structure and Specificity: Construct words with a clear structure and provides specific instructions to guide the AI model. It ensures the outputs align with your desired content type, format, and purpose.

Creativity and Audience Focus: Use prompts creatively to spark the AI’s imagination and create content tailored to your target audience’s needs and interests. It allows you to maximize engagement and effectiveness across different mediums.

With this strong foundation, we can dive into the specific best practices:

Structure and Specificity

  • Provide clear context on the task, audience, tone, and desired format

  • Guide the model by defining parameters like content type, length, etc.

  • Use prompts to generate targeted, optimized outputs

Creativity and Audience Focus

  • Prompt the AI to ideate and craft creative, engaging content

  • Use prompts to tailor content to audience interests, personas, and mediums

  • Integrate prompts for visual guidance, storytelling, interactivity, etc.

Implementing these best practices enables you to unlock the full potential of AI models like ChatGPT for generating high-quality, audience-focused content across various formats, such as video scripts, writing, visual design, and more.

Learning effective prompting is crucial in using AI’s capabilities optimally and taking your content development game to the next level.

Following the universal principles outlined here, you can craft prompts that guide the AI to generate engaging, targeted, and impactful content that resonates with your audience and drives results.

Capping Off

In our exploration into the world of prompting, the power of the secrets shared by top content creators becomes abundantly clear. We utilize AI tools such as ChatGPT to create content efficiently and effectively, unlocking new possibilities.

The case studies showcase the remarkable impact well-crafted prompts can have on your success, from streamlining workflows and boosting productivity to enhancing engagement and maintaining brand consistency.

However, this is merely the beginning. As AI evolves, prompting skills will become increasingly crucial. Stay ahead by continuously learning and keeping up with the latest advancements.

The true power lies not just in the prompts themselves but in your ability to refine and adapt them to your unique needs. Experiment, iterate, and push boundaries. With each iteration, you’ll discover new ways to heighten your content and captivate audiences.

Grab the secrets of the masters, craft prompts with precision and creativity, and watch as your content takes flight, propelling your success to new heights. The future of content generation awaits, and with the right prompting skills, you have the power to shape it.

About the Author

Mylene Dela Cena

Mylene is a versatile freelance content writer specializing in Video Editing, B2B SaaS, and Marketing brands. When she's not busy writing for clients, you can find her on LinkedIn, where she shares industry insights and connects with other professionals.

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