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A Video Creator’s Guide To Avoiding Legal Copyright Troubles

alt="man holding a stop symbol on copyright infringement when creatign content for YouTube and other video platforms"

Many video content creators are not too keen on intellectual property laws, and some get into legal trouble that could cost them a lot of money. How can they avoid such problems from happening?

YouTube is the largest and most popular video-hosting platform on the planet today and contains billions of video content for the world to see.

So, as a video content creator, I can just post any type of video content on YouTube, right? After all, there are billions of videos and perhaps one or two videos will not be noticed just for the heck of it, right?

Of course not!

Despite the volume of content on the platform, there is no excuse for content creators to just upload their videos without complying with YouTube’s policies and guidelines and without getting called out or reprimanded, and worse, banned from the platform.

One of the most critical mistakes a content creator may commit on YouTube is copyright infringement. 

Aside from getting penalized or banned from YouTube, you could end up in court facing a string of legal charges for violation of intellectual property rights violations.

During the first half of 2021, there were around 730 million copyright infringement claims on YouTube.

These infringement issues were detected using the Content ID system that can easily identify and manage copyrighted material on YouTube.

How can copyright issues be avoided on YouTube?

Simple! It’s by posting authentic video content on YouTube, so creators can avoid infringement call-outs.

There are ways to prevent copyright infringement issues from occurring and believe us, it’s way easier to avoid it rather than be legally charged in court and end up getting really stressed and losing thousands of dollars in legal representation costs and litigation.

So, let’s cut to the chase and explore what can be done to avoid them.

Only use royalty-free music

Do not be tempted to use soundtrack or music from high-profile recording brands, because you don’t only get to be called out for a copyright violation, but the benefit also goes to the brand itself and not on your content.

Take note that copyrighted material such as songs, and other creative assets, belong to its owners and the platform adheres to using copyright notices that will channel the revenue earned directly to the brand’s Google AdSense account.

Use only original footage

It’s better to upload footage using your own camera, phone or video equipment. It also prevents others from accessing your content.

Make sure that when you use images with a business name, product, logo or any creative asset subject to copyright infringement, otherwise YouTube could mark you for a violation.

Do not post any dangerous, sensitive, or harmful content

Posting harmful or sensitive content that depicts harm, shows nudity, instigates violence or endangers the safety of children can also cause your channel to either get suspended or worse, terminated.

While this may not directly be associated with original content and copyright, you may be liable for violating laws or doing something illegal that could get you arrested and worse, face imprisonment.

Due diligence on video edits

You may be inspired to post a video clip you saw online or put music on your channel, it may be taken down by YouTube, unless it is edited in such a way that YouTube will prompt you to use it using the “fair use” clause..

In this case, it would be beneficial for content creators to avail of a YouTube video editing service just to be sure that they are doing it right since these services are knowledgeable about the statutes and limitations of the use of copyrighted material.

Wholesome family entertainment symbols or characters

Not only does YouTube shun content related to violence or hate, but it is also abhorred by advertisers. Based on recent YouTube statistics, content creators using wholesome material for content have seen great potential for advertisers to support and invest their marketing dollars in it.

Copyright and watermark your own content

Having a logo on all of your videos is a great way to avoid others from using your content without you knowing it or getting credit for it.

While many YouTube content creators can benefit from other creators using your content and crediting you for it, there are others who would take advantage of using it for their selfish interests and may claim ownership of YOUR content materials.

You can have your creative assets copyrighted so you may be able to take legal action against anyone infringing on your intellectual property.

FBI content warning

You can add an FBI content warning in your video introduction to avoid getting stuck on copyright. The notice indicates you are not asking for original materials, but rather adhering to the fair use policy for the protection of your video content from copyright strikes and warnings.

Don’t forget that this article does not cover everything you need to know about avoiding copyright infringement on YouTube, so you need to ensure that you are updated with the latest guidelines or policy revisions on the platform.

Always take ownership of your content and ensure that it adheres to YouTube’s policies and standards, so you can continue to promote your brand and earn more through monetization.

Call to action: Need help with copyright restrictions and compliance for your video content? Contact us, we can help you!

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Make sure to avoid getting into legal troubles with your content. Call us and learn how we can help you avoid such problems with your video content.

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