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Running Out Of Content Ideas? Know Why You Can’t and Shouldn’t

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Content is king, right? But what happens when one day you want to create something but end up facing a blank wall?

Don’t worry, you’re not a freak. It can happen to anyone and Youtube can be an intimidating platform.

But hey, the reason why you continue to post videos on Youtube is not that it is difficult, but because it’s fun, makes you happy and satisfies your craving for amazing video content.

And just so you know, there’s no other platform that can beat YouTube when it comes to advertising or sharing video content. After all, Youtube accounts for around 25% of all mobile traffic.

Here’s another one, everyday people around the world watch more than one billion hours of video on Youtube and generate billions of views.

Just imagine the massive content on Youtube that can be viewed as nothing more than intimidating for content creators.

You can’t run out of ideas

That’s true, ideas will always be available for new and refreshing content. People may not be truly aware of it, but there are four key reasons why content creators “think” they run out of content ideas.

Reason 1: Creator burnout

After toiling for months or even years of churning out video content, the mind can experience fatigue when overworked.

It happens when the brain gets burned out, tired and desperately needs to take a break – taking its toll on content creators.

Reason 2: Taking it all upon themselves

One of the most common misconceptions regarding sensational Youtube content creators is that they do all the work themselves.

In fact, they have a creative team that helps develop content ideas and strategies for them. Your favorite creator just laid the groundwork at the beginning and is reaping the rewards of their hard work along with their creative teams because they know they cannot do it by themselves.

Reason 3: Not doing the research

Researching is critical when you need to be creative with your content ideas because without it you would not know the in-depth workings of Youtube and how it formulates success.

Mind you, Youtube content is not always a simple lightbulb moment where you just get an idea, point and shoot, upload it, and then wait for it to go viral. Even if you work with the best video editor there is, without the proper research to support your content, you can’t expect people to watch it.

Trust us, there’s more to just uploading videos on Youtube and you don’t get to the top without doing the work.

Reason 4: Failure to adapt

Trends and fads come and go. What may be popular today, may be forgotten the next day. The same goes with content creation, where you don’t just rely on a single concept or theme, but should be adaptable to the changing trends, seasons and fads if you don’t want to be left behind and bite the dust.

Even if you have the best concepts, content ideas, video materials and the most expensive editing softwares in the market five years ago, these may no longer be relevant to today’s current needs.

Bonus tip: Content idea generator

If you seem to be in a rut and have trouble coming up with ideas, here’s something to help you get started and move forward – make use of the four basic types of content (Inform, Educate, Engage, Entertain)


Use this type of content to provide information to your audience regarding yourself, the brand, your business, your content ideas and most especially how you promote yourself as relevant to your target market.


Develop content that will help educate your audience. Knowledge is power and the more ideas, facts, skills and trivia that will make their lives easier and empower them to do great stuff, you’ll surely be able to win them over.


Create content that gives your audience a voice where they could speak their minds, share insights, tell their stories of failures and success. In short, find ways to let your audience get involved and they will definitely have fun and engage in your content.


Share fun stories, create adventures, explore places, make something with your creative hands and ideas. People are entertained when they see or experience something new or they have not come across before.  

There are a lot of ways to figure out how you can create great video content and concept ideas which we are going to discuss in our future blogs, so watch out for it.

How about automating your content publication? That’s possible and it takes the edge off the need to spend more time developing and publishing your online content – but let’s discuss that in another blog. 

Creator burnout is real, but remember to take breaks when you’re tired or you need to, you deserve it more than anything else.

Running out of fresh new content ideas? Don’t worry, we have you covered.

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