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7 Strategies To Repurpose YouTube Videos To Expand Your Channel


If you want a better way to grow your YouTube channel FAST, you need to repurpose your YouTube videos. But, why?

You should repurpose your YouTube videos if you want to:

  • Increase your time efficiency. You come up with video ideas and film once, and then turn your initial content into 6+ additional pieces of content you can spread over different platforms
  • Get more eyeballs looking at you. You increase your reach when you repurpose your youtube videos to different platforms. For example, if you post an impactful snippet from one of your YouTube videos on TikTok, you can get in front of an entirely new audience. 
  • Increasing your efficiency and reach ultimately combines to accelerate your channel’s growth. You put out more content faster, cheaper, and get it in front of a larger audience. You include a link in all repurposed content that leads back to your original YouTube video, which brings you more views and new subscribers. 

If you want to grow your YouTube channel and smash through your next subscriber goal, we’ve got some ideas to help you work smarter.  Here are 7 great ways you can repurpose your YouTube videos to help your YouTube channel take off.

Repurpose Your Youtube Videos FTW

How you choose to repurpose video content is ultimately up to you. You should consider what type of content you create, where your audience is most likely to hang out, and where you want to drive traffic (YouTube, website or landing page, newsletter?) Alright, let’s dive in and get those mental gears turning.

1. Share Your Videos on Vimeo

Let’s start with some low-hanging fruit. If you love your videos, treat them with a guest house to stay in. There’s no reason they can only live on YouTube. Vimeo has over 260 million users worldwide, and 350,000 new videos are uploaded each day. 

If you re-post to Vimeo, you get your video content in front of an older audience. 73.1% of Vimeo’s users are between 20 and 35 years old. You can upload files up to 250 GB and 24 hrs in length. Use their free plan to get started, and it may be all you ever need. 

You can start by uploading some of your top-performing videos. Next, you could work Vimeo uploads into your regular content production process. There’s truly next to no downside to this. It hardly takes any extra time. The only thing you may want to change is your call to action at the end. Make sure you tell your viewers what you want them to do next. Even if it’s to visit your YouTube channel for more of your amazing content. 

2. Create Little Video Snacks And Pass Them Around

Ok, this one is a big one. But it’s also probably the best strategy for most YouTube creators. At its core, it looks something like this:

You create your regular video content for YouTube. Next, you chop up the most interesting bits and re-plate them for other social media platforms as video teasers. Finally, you include a call to action (and insert a link) for viewers to follow back to your YouTube channel to watch the full video. 

You can reach a much larger global audience this way and funnel traffic back to your original video on your YouTube page. You can share your bite-sized snippets to Facebook, Instagram Reels, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. 

This strategy is commonly known as creating and using microcontent. We have an in-depth guide on how you can use Microcontent like Gary Vee, to juice your channel’s growth. If you only pick one strategy off this list, pick this one. You can repurpose social media content for huge gains. 

3. Turn Your Videos Into Carousels (They Work!)

If your goal is to build a brand or audience online, then you should become fast friends with carousels. Carousels have the highest engagement rate on IG, averaging between 1.65-5.40%. The platform average is 1.22% for regular image and video posts. You can also win with them on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

You can join the party by taking facts or quotes from your video content and turning them into image-based slides for social media. 

Consider a carousel post for your:

  • Educational content or Tutorials (including data and infographics)
  • Brand storytelling
  • Before-and-after reveals
  • Product/brand updates
  • Product reveals
  • Event highlights
  • User-generated content
  • Behind-the-scenes looks

As always, make sure you link back to your YouTube video or wherever you want to funnel your new fans. 

4. Put Your Best Quotes Out There to Generate Buzz

It doesn’t matter what type of video content you produce, your audience is out there… somewhere. It’s easy to make quotes from educational or inspiring content, but we trust you can get creative and find a way to do this, whatever you create. 

Take interesting, inspiring, or startling facts, or use a funny moment and turn it into a tweet, or image post for your other social media accounts. You can use a free tool like Canva to create an image slide and even animate it if you’re feeling spicy. 

Help your people find you with relevant hashtags. And use those quotes as bait to capture their interest and lure them back to your lair. You can find a way to get creative and do this with any content style. 

5. Show Them You’re A Real Human With Blooper Reels

People love to know you make mistakes too. It makes you seem a little more normal and relatable. You aren’t a bot, are you? If you are a bot, and are reading this, well…that would be kinda weird. 

So gather up a highlight reel of your best (or worst) bloopers, and let people laugh along with you. You can put this up on YouTube (including shorts), or broadcast it over all your socials. You could combine your blooper reel with a video of how you’ve stuck with it and improved on your journey to provide valuable content. Or whatever you’re journey is about…maybe you just want to be a star?! That’s cool too. 

6. Turn Your Best Video Content Into Infographics

Infographics are everywhere for a good reason. They work. People like and share infographics 3x more than any other content on social media. You can take advantage of this trend too.

You can build an infographic out of almost any type of information, but they work best:

  • To Share interesting data or statistics (educational videos)
  • To simplify complex subjects or processes (explainer videos, company training videos)
  • To make side-by-side comparisons (great for products or services)
  • To show a timeline or hierarchy
  • When you can say it better with images than words

Look through your top-performing evergreen videos, and see if there’s anything you can pull to create an easy-to-digest infographic. Carousels best suit content that teach or inform, but you can make almost any content fit. 

Let’s say your channel posts gags or prank videos – and your goal is to entertain and get people laughing. You could probably make a timeline infographic of your most epic and popular stunt. Or show behind-the-scenes details of how you pulled it off. 

There’s an audience for everything, and if you can do it well and get it in front of yours, they’ll love you for it. 

You can use a free tool like Canva to make them. There’s a bit of a learning curve at first, but it’s worth it. And hey, if you really don’t like doing it, it’s ok. You can hire this graphic designer off Fiverr for only $5. 

Ok, so you listened, and now you have a sexy infographic. What now? 

The easy option would be to post on all your social media channels. You can get a lot of shares with the right design if the information is valuable enough. 

You could also post on your blog (if you have one), or find a blog with a similar target audience and offer it as a guest blog post. Reddit loves a good infographic, too. 

7. Turn Your YouTube Videos Into Blog Posts

Do you already have a blog? If so, this one is a no-brainer. You can use oTranscribe to help you create a manual transcript for free, or get 30 minutes of transcription a month free with Veed.

Depending on the format of your video, you may need to add some additional text. You need a title and headers, and make sure it all flows and makes sense without visuals. You can then embed your video on the page, and give readers the chance to read the blog post or watch the video. 

If you don’t have a blog and have no interest in starting one, look for sites to guest post on. If your content provides value to their readers, it’s a win-win as they get free content, and you expand your reach. Look for brands you don’t directly compete with and share a similar audience. Think Redbull and GoPro.

Top Tips To Get Started

Before you start, here are a few things we recommend you think about first.

  • Decide what methods make sense for you. Start small, don’t try to do it all at once
  • Develop your distribution strategy. How will you create and share your repurposed content? Which social media platforms will you use? Where do you want to drive traffic to?
  • Start with repurposing your high-performing old content

  • Then, adjust your content creation workflow. Plan to repurpose your YouTube videos from the get-go. You can design microcontent into your social media videos ahead of time

Pitter Patter

If you want to grow your channel, you need to be able to put out more content in an efficient way. The pre-production and filming process takes up the most time for video content creators. You save a lot of time when you repurpose content you’ve already done the work for. You can turn your original YouTube video into 6+ pieces of content easily by sharing across the major social networks. 

When you repurpose YouTube videos, your content reaches more people, and you can lead them back to your channel or website. You can grow your multi-platform audience and YT sub count faster as a result. 

Start Simple And Build On It

The easiest way to start is to upload your videos to Vimeo (or even Facebook) in full, and link back to your YouTube channel. After that, edit your best work into short videos to share on YouTube Shorts, IG, FB, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Each platform has its own requirements for video length and format. Make sure to convert all of your shorts to vertical videos first. You should always include captions on shorts, as most people scroll with their sound off.

Try it out consistently for at least a month, and check your YouTube Studio analytics to measure any impact. You can see your “reach” statistics and see how much traffic has come from YT Shorts and external sources (anywhere you left a link or embedded your video).

We know it can seem like a lot to do. Honestly, in the beginning, it’s going to be a bit extra. But after you figure a system out, the rewards you get far outweigh the additional effort you put in. And it’s way less work compared to creating new content from scratch.

Could You Use A Little Help?

Is this all a little overwhelming for you? If this sounds like too much work for you, you can always hire a video editor who can handle it for you. We work with content creators like you every day so they can rack up views and subs faster – and make more money. We know the ins and outs of microcontent creation and how to repurpose video for success on every platform. 

If you want to learn how a dedicated editor can collaborate with you and help you reach your goals, check out these great articles next:

Why Should I Use A Monthly Video Editing Service For YouTube

Why You Should Outsource Your Video Editing

How To Grow Your YouTube Channel Fast With Fractional Video Editing